The Straight Edge is a measuring tool used to measure how smooth a playing area is. Excessive fluctuations may distort the way a ball runs across the playing surface, causing players to stumble or allowing rainwater to collect in low spots.
We offer 2 different official models of the Straight Edge. The FIFA Straight Edge and the EN Standards Straight Edge.
FIFA Straight Edge
The Straight Edge has been developed to measure the evenness of the surface and is built according to the FIFA (Test Method 8).
The evenness of the playing surface is measured with the aid of a Straight Edge pulled over the surface longitudinally and transversally between the lines of play. Deviations beneath the Straight Edge are measured using a calibrated graduated wedge known as a “slip gauge”.
A measuring wedge with thickness markings will be supplied with the Straight Edge. By pushing the wedge gently between the surface and the Straight Edge, the deviation of straightness can be read. The measurement scale and dimensions of the wedge are according to FIFA regulations.
EN Straight Edge
The Straight Edge has been developed to measure the evenness of the surface and is built according to the EN 13036-7 standards.
This device is especially used when the foundation of sports fields is laid. The Straight Edge can be delivered in a length of 3 meters or a length of 4 meters. Special attention is paid to user-friendliness.
A wedge with thickness markings will be supplied with the Straight Edge. By pushing the wedge gently between the surface and the Straight Edge, the deviation of straightness can be read.

The Straight Edge can easily be disassembled in 3 parts, the joints are made from a high-strength thermoplastic (POM) and can be easily fixated with the hexagon Allen key.
- Made from aluminium
- High quality
- Easy (dis)assembly
- Transportation bag, wedge, allen wrench and cord included
Applications: Football, Hockey
Standards: FIFA 2024-8, FIFA NPS 07, FIFA NPS 07R, Hockey FIH
To facilitate transport the Straight Edge can be disassembled in three parts. The joints are made from a high-strength thermoplastic (POM) with strong lever clamp mechanisms.
- Made from aluminium
- High quality
- Easy (dis)assembly
- Transportation bag and wedge included
Applications: Football, Hockey, Tennis, Athletics, Rugby
Standards: EN 13036-7, EN 14904, EN 15330, ITF CS 02/02