Pro Line Equipment
Official test equipment for test laboratories and producers of artificial turf, synthetic sports flooring, and playground surfaces. Testing in the world of sports- and game surfaces requires highly specialized expertise. By a 100% focus on test equipment, Deltec Equipment became the world-leading developer and manufacturer of this particular equipment. All our equipment complies with the highest standards from authorities like NEN, CEN, FIFA, FIH, and IAAF. Worldwide leading test laboratories, artificial turf- and flooring manufacturers use our equipment. Only the highest quality of materials and components are used (stainless steel, aluminum, chromium-plated steel). We aim to develop devices that are as close to perfection as possible and that are ergonomically built.
Club Line Equipment
Especially for clubs, municipalities, maintenance, and construction companies Deltec Equipment developed a range of products to give an insight into the condition of a synthetic turf field. Synthetic surfaces require a relatively high investment and should last for years. During the lifetime the surface quality has to be monitored in combination with proper maintenance. The high quality, user friendly, and affordable Deltec Club Line Equipment enables you to keep track of your synthetic turf field.

Directly to:
- 5A Impact Tester
- Artificial Athlete (2A)
- Advanced Artificial Athlete Tester (3A)
- Advanced Artificial Athlete Tester (LW-3A)
- Head Injury Criteria (HIC) Tester
- Vertical Ball Rebound Tester
- Rotational Resistance Tester (Lightweight)
- Rotational Resistance Tester
- Ball Ramp
- Angle Ball Projector
- Straight Edge
- Lisport Wear Tester
- Lisport XL