Spike Tester

The Spike Tester is a method for determination of the resistance of a synthetic sports surface to spikes.

A test specimen of the sport surface is exposed to a wearing process by a metal roller fitted with athletic spikes. The difference in tensile strength and elongation at break of the synthetic sports surface, measured before and after the wearing process, is a measure of the resistance of the surface to spikes.

The test reference is according EN 12230 – Surface for sports areas – Determination of tensile properties of synthetic sport surfaces.

Constructed safely in a table-top cabinet from Aluminum with transparent polycarbonate plates, the machine parts are made from stainless steel. Controlled by an A-brand PLC controller with touchscreen display. The door is connected to the PLC controller to avoid dangerous situations when the door is opened while it is running.

Deltec Equipment Spike Tester


  • Operation with touchscreen to adjust motor speed and total amounts of rotations
  • 12 rollers, 10 contains 6 spikes
  • Total mass of the roller is 10 ±0,1 kg
  • 220 Volt. 250 Watt Electromotor
  • Included mandrel for bending the product

Standards: EN 14810 and EN 12230

Applications: Testing of synthetic sport surfaces

Deltec Spike Resistance Tester Part
Deltec Spike Resistance Tester

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